πŸ“šStudent Billing

Manage students fees and payments. Schedule all fees at once & collect payments once due.

What is Student Billing App?

Student billing shows you the billing status of every student along with their paid and due amounts

  1. The students are mentioned with their name, registration number, paid fee, remaining fee, payment due, and total fee.

  2. You can control your search settings by selecting any specific location or program or by simply entering any keyword.

  3. For Defaulters, Missing fees, and payment approvals you can simply click on the relative button and the respective students will be listed.

  4. You can also schedule all fees at once and the system will collect them on correct due dates.

  5. To import old data of payments and fees simply click on the β€˜+payments’ or β€˜+fees’ button and copy and paste data from excel sheets.

Last updated